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Do fish drink water ? - Shocking Truth!

Do fish drink water ?

This is the question is do fish drink water ? What do you think the water temperature should be betta fish in your tank? 70 degrees? after all, hard fighting fish. 75 degrees? this is where we keep the temperature of our homes. How about 80 degrees? Well, if you guessed 80 degrees, you were correct and that your betta will love you for it.

Do fish drink water ?

Are you surprised that your betta should have the water temperature at 80 degrees? Think about it for a second, are tropical fish, tropical fish live where temperatures are generally above 80 degrees. If the temperature drops below 80, the water is at the highest temperature until the sun rises and heated again.

The urban legend of a small betta live in mud puddles and jump from one to the other, it's just an urban legend do fish drink water. These fish in rice fields, rivers and lagoons that usually maintain a high enough temperature.

Thinking about your betta like a fish that does not need special treatment or attention is pretty much going to ruin your betta to premature death, or something else.

My wife and I had a beautiful blue betta for our wedding four years ago. For two years, we were at home most of the time and the house stayed at 75 degrees. During the summer, we set the temperature at 80 degreesdo fish drink water ? We noticed a marked increase in the activity of our betta when the house was 80 degrees instead of 73 or 75 degrees. We never realized that this was due to the temperature difference. We realized it was lazy one day and not the other do fish drink water.

My wife jumped online and started doing some research. Indeed, almost all sites have clearly indicated that bettas should be kept in tanks that are heated and maintained around 80 degrees. I wonder how many children have died of hypothermia bettas bad when the water was very cold in their tanks do fish drink water.So what is the answer to this problem? and why not depratment fish in a pet store employees tell us about it? It's as simple as buying a tank heater for your betta tank. Could it be that simple! How many people have had their fish to die and I wonder what the cause might be. do fish drink water ? Some words in the animal treated the problem.

Many aquariums and fish have heaters or tank can easily be installed in a tank.The size of the unit depends on the size of your betta tank.In my opinion, the smaller size for a betta should be a deposit of 2 liters,do fish drink water, which would require a 10-watt heater.

It is best to get one that is completely waterproof and is safe even if run dry. A heating device of this size can increase the water temperature of about 5 degrees. Cost of this size would be about $ 13. do fish drink water as in large tanks as a water heater 5 gallon requires 40 to 50 watts. Price for one as would be around $ 25.

Now that you have decided to have a water heater, the next question is where do you find one? What the pet store where you bought your fish. Most pet stores have a variety of tanks and heaters do fish drink water. Many tanks come with heaters specially designed for the size of the aquarium. If not, go through the above guidelines, request the Director of the Department of Aid and follow the instructions on the packaging of the device.